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Because the TEI Guidelines must cover such a broad domain and user community, it is essential that they be customizable: both to permit the creation of manageable subsets that serve particular purposes, and also to permit usage in areas that the TEI has not yet envisioned. Customization is a central aspect of TEI usage and the Guidelines are designed with customization in mind.
The TEI provides a number of basic, general-purpose customizations. One of the best-known of these is TEI Lite, which was originally designed as a demonstration of the customization mechanism, but has become popular as a simple TEI schema for basic encoding. Other basic customizations are listed below. To create your own customization, you can do one of the following:
- Use the Roma web tool to select TEI modules, add and delete elements, and make other choices; see Creating TEI Customizations with Roma for more detailed information on using Roma.
- Write your own customization by hand using the TEI ODD language; see Getting Started with P5 ODDs and Using the TEI (Chapter 23 of the Guidelines) for more detailed information on how to do this.
Customizations provided by the TEI Consortium
Lite | TEI Lite, the most widely used TEI customization; includesbasic elements for simple documents | ODD | DTD | RNG | XSD | HTML | |
TEI Tite | A constrained customization designed for use bykeyboarding vendors | ODD | DTD | RNG | XSD | HTML | |
TEI simplePrint | An entry-level customization, focused primarily on the needs of those encoding Western European early modern printed material | ODD | DTD | RNG | XSD | HTML | |
jTEI Article | A highly-constrained customization intended for creating journal articles, in particularfor submission to the Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative | ODD | RNG | XSD | HTML | ||
Bare | TEI Absolutely Bare, a very barebones schema with theabsolute minimum of elements | ODD | DTD | RNG | XSD | ||
All | TEI withall modules included | ODD | DTD | RNG | XSD | ||
Corpus | TEI for Linguistic Corpora, includes the modules forencoding linguistic corpora | ODD | DTD | RNG | XSD | ||
MS | TEI for Manuscript Description, includes the elements fordescribing manuscripts and complex physical aspects ofdocuments | ODD | DTD | RNG | XSD | ||
Drama | TEI with Drama, includes the TEI drama module | ODD | DTD | RNG | XSD | ||
Speech | TEI for Speech Representation, includes the TEI module forspoken language | ODD | DTD | RNG | XSD |
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The following customizations use features which are not available in the DTD and XSD schema formats.
Odds | TEI for authoring ODD, includes the TEI module forcreating ODD files and customizations | ODD | RNG |
allPlus | TEI with withall modules included, plus all external additions | ODD | RNG |
TEI + SVG | TEI with SVG | ODD | RNG |
TEI + Math | TEI with MathML | ODD | RNG |
TEI + XInclude | TEI with XInclude | ODD | RNG |
Customizations provided by the TEI community
Below are customizations that have been created by members of the TEI community.
To have your customization listed, please contact web@tei-c.org.
- A guide for mass digitization, automated workflows, and promotion of interoperability with XML using the TEI (website, prose documentation, ODD files)
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- A customization for encoding epigraphic materials (Guidelines, SourceForge site, ODD)
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- A customization allowing use of elements from the Music Encoding Initiative (MEI).
Please see the customizations category of the TEI wiki for more customizations and more about the customization process.