Hey i'm new to here and relatively new to Visual Basic 5. I want to make a slot machine type of game. I'm using three text boxes as the spinning numbers thing, then three labels and then finally a pull labeled button. I don't exactly know where to start from, any ideas or examples would be greatly appreciated.
hi pls I need someones help. i am not good at programming and i have this subject ; but i am a BSBA major. it is like free section for me and i want to learn it to so i can be flexible. but this project is getting all my soul. We where told to create a game using a C# . a very simple game . then the prof listed games to pick like snake, tictactoe, etc. i picked the slot machine figuring that i already thought that its using timer , and bunch of if statements so i picked it. I am already done with the timer part and pictures part but the if statement is what i have been troubled. i dont know what to do. i thought that its only if pic1.image pic2.image. /// so on so forth.....
can you help me i want it to be when the picturebox hit lets say 3 banana the amount bet is multiplied.... here i will post my codes as well as a linked to download my project.... i really badly need some1 help.
in the downloadable is forgot to put a on the end part of the path.
the link: http://www.4shared.com/zip/1bJpVMk4/project_final_2.html
really appreciate the help.
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Jump to PostYou could do this if you create your own Image class. Something like:
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how can i delete this thread. or can som1 delete this thread pls. tnx
The slot machines is a game of chance , many different outcomes will appear when the player press the play button. In this program, we draw an array of nine shapes ,VB will automatically labeled the shapes as shape1(0), shape1(1), shape1(2), shape1(3), shape1(4), shape1(5), shape1(6), shape1(7) and shape1(8) respectively. Arrange the shapes into three rows. Write the code so that only three types of shapes appear randomly. Here we want to show only square, oval and rectangle. The appearance can be altered at runtime using the Shape properties. For example, Shape1(o).Shape=0 means it is a rectangle, Shape1(o).Shape=1 is a square and Shape1(o).Shape=2 is an oval shape. The color of the shapes can be customized using the FillColor property of the shape. For example, Shape1(0).Fillcolor=vbRed will give the shape a red color. The design interface is shown below:
The Design Interface
Randomness can be achieved by using the Rnd function. We also insert a timer to create the animated effect of a slot machine. The time interval is set to 10 so that the shapes change at a fast rate thus creates the illusion of animation. The program also uses a variable x to control the timer so that it can be stopped when x attain a certain value, otherwise the program will loop forever.
The purpose of this program is just to show how different shapes can appear randomly, therefore many advanced features of a slot machine such as the amount of bet are not programmed here. Those features are available in the professional slot machine.
The Code
When you run the program, you will see the following runtime UI:
The Runtime UI
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