photos courtesy of Jens U. Bieler, Düsseldorf Germany
If you're going to build an actual slot machine, download our User Guide and take a look at the section called 'Hardware Integration'. It has useful information about Coin Hoppers, Credit Boards, Coin Acceptors, and more.
With a little hardware knowledge, time and resources, AllJ Slots can be backfitted into a slot machine case, replacing many of the internal components with your own computer components, and powered by AllJ Slots.
AllJ Slots is a custom slot machine software package that is perfect for having your own slot machine for fund-raisers, trade show attention getters, just for fun, and even for professional business use.
If you only want to use AllJ Slots as a prize giveaway tool at a Trade Show or Expo, please go HERE. This will explain some of the tools that will make that easy and fun!
Download the User Guide
(4.2 megabytes)
If you have any questions about our AllJ Slots Custom Slot Machine Software, or if you
need assistance, please feel free to email or call us.
Build A Slot Machine
If you want to make one from scratch, you can work your way on building a metal frame and using neon lights to light up the sign. Online slots are taking over the traditional slot machines and more people are using their own PCs or mobile devices to play slot games these days rather than going to a land-based casino. How to Make Your Own Slot Machine!: Hey Guys,My name is Sergi van Ravenswaay and today I will show you how to make a slot machine. I made this in combination with the Game Engine 'Unity' and 'Arduino'. It's really simple!What you need: An Arduino Uno 1 Power Cord (USB) 10 cables 4 re.